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which foods are best for weight loss

By Robert J.Matthews

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Greek Yogurt

Opt for Greek yogurt as a protein-rich and probiotic-packed snack. 

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 It supports gut health, keeps you feeling full, and is a valuable addition to your weight management efforts.

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Enjoy the creamy goodness of avocados, rich in healthy monounsaturated fats.

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Despite being calorie-dense, avocados contribute to a feeling of fullness and offer essential nutrients.

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Beans and Legumes

Include beans and legumes like black beans, lentils, and chickpeas. High in protein and fiber, they promote fullness and aid in weight loss.

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Lean Meats

Incorporate lean meats such as lean beef or pork.

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They provide a good source of protein and essential nutrients while being lower in fat compared to their fattier counterparts.

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Opt for lean proteins like chicken breast, turkey, tofu, or fish. 

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