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Unlock Your Inner Fat-Burning Machine!

By Robert J.Matthews

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Green Tea

Drinking green or oolong tea jumpstarts fat metabolism through plant compounds called catechins that activate fat burning processes in the cells. 

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Protein Foods

Protein foods increase metabolic rate because your body uses more energy to digest protein foods compared to carbs or fat.

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Protein also helps maintain muscle mass.

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Coconut Oil

The MCTs in coconut oil require less energy and enzymes to break down, allowing your body to turn more calories into heat by activating thermogenic fat burning pathways. 

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Cinnamon helps support blood sugar control by increasing insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake

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This leads to better appetite regulation as well for weight loss. It provides antioxidant benefits too.

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 Cruciferous Veggies

Cruciferous vegetables contain sulfur compounds that studies indicate may directly stimulate fat burning processes in the body.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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