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The weight loss-friendly fruits and vegetables

By Robert J.Matthews

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Zucchini is extremely low in calories and offers a good amount of vitamin C, phosphorus, zinc and protein for improved metabolism. 

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It provides bulk and nutrients to fuel your body correctly.

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Beets support healthy digestion and detoxification while providing nutrients that help turn carbs and fats into energy to fuel your body.

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Beets contain betalains, which provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification support.

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Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain antioxidants like vitamin A along with fiber that stabilizes blood sugar levels while providing a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. 

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Grapefruit increases fat burning, stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces calorie intake because of its effect on hunger hormones like grehlin.

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Artichokes improve gut bacteria and liver health to support a healthy metabolism. 

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Pomegranate helps manage blood sugar levels and may protect your arteries and improve blood flow to boost energy and burn fat. 

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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