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Picking The Right Fruits And Vegetables Can Help You Lose Weight

By Robert J.Matthews

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Apples offer pectin fiber to curb hunger pangs along with quercetin, which helps regulate the metabolism of sugars and fats. 

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The pectin fiber expands in the stomach, helping you feel satisfied.

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Pears have similar benefits to apples with a high water and fiber content to aid weight loss. 

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They contain prebiotics to feed good gut bacteria as well. The fiber creates bulk to keep you full while the nutrients support bacterial balance.

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The compound lycopene found in tomatoes helps reduce fat storage in the body and improves metabolism.

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They are also full of water. Lycopene lowers cholesterol and blood pressure while increasing calorie and fat burn.

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Bananas are packed with digestion-regulating resistant starch and fiber that make you feel full and may help you burn fat. 

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Chili Peppers

The capsaicin in chili peppers boosts satiety and amps up the metabolism after eating thanks to their thermogenic properties. 

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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