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Nutrient-Rich Clean Eating Guide for Energy and Wellness

By Robert J.Matthews

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Whole oats provide an abundance of soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which feeds healthy bacteria in the digestive tract to reduce obesity and disease.

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Pronounced “keen-wah”, quinoa offers a complete plant-based protein with all nine essential amino acids to support muscle growth and fat loss.

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Brown Rice

Unlike white rice, nutritious brown rice retains its cholesterol lowering bran and fiber that together reduce the risk of heart disease and colon cancer.

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Whole Wheat Bread

Ditch the white bread and opt for whole wheat varieties to keep blood sugar stable, prevent overeating and provide extra gut-healthy fiber.

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Creamy avocados mainly contain monounsaturated oleic fatty acids that protect against cancer, cognitive decline and depression.

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Olive Oil

A major component of the Mediterranean diet associated with longevity and reduced disease risk.

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Olive oil provides anti-inflammatory antioxidants like polyphenols.

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These crunchy nuts pack in fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids called ALA linked with advantages ranging from weight loss to decreased inflammation.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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