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Nature's Fat-Burning Secrets: Boost Metabolism

By Robert J.Matthews

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Though high in calories, the healthy monounsaturated fats in avocados regulate the hormones that control appetite and fat storage for reduced belly fat.

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Olive Oil

Regularly using olive oil for cooking and dressings provides a dose of antioxidants called phenols.

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Help regulate your weight set point to a lower threshold.

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Coconut Oil

Unique medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil boost calorie burn and stimulate metabolism during and after digestion compared to other fats.

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Nuts and nut butters

Calorie-dense nuts offer healthy fats, fiber and plant protein.

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Research shows people who eat nuts tend to be leaner than those who avoid them.

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Just one gram of cinnamon per day significantly reduces blood sugar levels that can otherwise trigger insulin-related fat storage.

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Sprinkle it on oatmeal, yogurt or coffee.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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