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Nature's Elixir: Superfoods for Supercharged Energy

By Robert J.Matthews

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Coconut oil

Possessing unique fat molecules called medium chain triglycerides, coconut oil is instantly usable energy. 

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Use coconut oil for stir-frying veggies or making homemade energy bars.

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Green Tea

Sipped throughout the day, green tea provides a moderate dose of energizing caffeine along with antioxidants.

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Boost focus and concentration. Choose unsweetened varieties.

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Tart Cherry Juice

This antioxidant-rich juice not only helps you sleep deeper but works to reduce inflammation and muscle damage while enhancing recovery. 

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Better rest translates to higher daytime energy.

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Seems simple but nothing works better than water to beat dehydration. Many mistake thirst for fatigue. 

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Drink water consistently and energy will improve by preventing headaches, fatigue and cramping.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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