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Most weight-loss-friendly fruits and vegetables

By Robert J.Matthews

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Avocados offer healthy monounsaturated fats that improve cholesterol levels while keeping you full between meals. 

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The fat helps absorb fat soluble vitamins as well. Avocados enhance nutrient absorption too.

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Cucumbers are high in water content to keep you hydrated while providing nutritious vitamins, minerals and plant compounds for few calories. 

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Their water and fiber create bulk and expand in the stomach.

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Beans and Legumes

All beans and legumes pack fiber, protein, and beneficial complex carbs while helping regulate blood sugar levels after eating.

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The resistant starch and fiber aids weight loss through multiple mechanisms.

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Cruciferous Vegetables

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale and cauliflower contain cancer-fighting properties and fiber for supporting weight loss. 

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The fiber keeps you full and nourishes good gut bacteria.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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