Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Most Nutritious Nuts For Consumption

By Robert J. Matthews

Brazil Nuts

Extremely high in selenium, an essential mineral. Also provide vitamin E, magnesium, fiber and phytochemicals.

Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Just 1-2 brazil nuts meets your daily selenium needs.

Palm Tree
Palm Tree


Also known as filberts. High in vitamin E, folate, copper and manganese. 

Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Have a sweet, nutty flavor that's delicious in homemade granola mixes or Nutella spread.

Palm Tree
Palm Tree


Rich, buttery taste. Contains antioxidants along with vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, fiber, and plant sterols that help lower cholesterol. 

Palm Tree
Palm Tree

Perfect for making homemade pecan pie.

Palm Tree
Palm Tree
Palm Leaf

