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Low-calorie Foods For Weight Loss That Will Keep You Full

By Robert J.Matthews

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Lean Proteins

Foods like egg whites, chicken breast, fish, tofu.

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Greek yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese are high in protein that regulates appetite hormones and provides lasting fullness.

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High-Fiber Foods

Fruits, vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains and nuts/seeds are packed with fiber that expands in the stomach and digests slowly.

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Great options include apples, berries, broccoli, avocado, oatmeal and chia seeds.

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Broth-based, veggie-heavy soups are hydrating and low in calories but high in nutrients.

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The water and fiber bulk up in the stomach for fewer overall calories than other snacks. 

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Air-popped popcorn is an entire filling, high volume snack that’s very low in calories. 

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Just stick to unbuttered, no-sugar added popcorn to reap the benefits for weight loss.

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