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Healthiest Fruits And Vegetables To Eat To Lose Weight

By Robert J.Matthews

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Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, Swiss chards and collard greens are low in calories and high in fiber, which helps you fill up quickly and helps control hunger and cravings. 

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They're packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well.

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Broccoli is loaded with fiber and contains nutrients like vitamin C that boost fat burning and help turn fat into energy.

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The fiber keeps you feeling full while the nutrients support a healthy metabolism.

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Berries like strawberries, blueberries and raspberries provide fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants with minimal calories and natural sugars.

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The fiber keeps you satiated while the nutrients and antioxidants support weight loss.

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Grapefruit is low in calories and can boost metabolism. It’s high in water content and fiber which helps you feel full.

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The compound nootkatone in grapefruit activates AMPK, an enzyme involved in metabolism and energy balance.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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