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Food Combinations That Can In Fact Doubling Your Weight Loss

By Robert J.Matthews

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1. Turkey and Sweet Potato

Harmonize the lean protein of turkey with the complex carbs of sweet potatoes for a dynamic pairing that supports weight loss. 

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The protein in turkey keeps you full, while the complex carbs in sweet potatoes provide sustained energy.

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2. Olive Oil and Tomatoes

Combine the healthy fats of olive oil with the lycopene-rich tomatoes for a powerhouse duo that contributes to weight loss. 

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The healthy fats in olive oil aid in nutrient absorption, enhancing the benefits of lycopene in tomatoes. 

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3. Chicken and Asparagus

Blend the lean protein of chicken with the fiber-rich asparagus for a balanced pairing that satisfies and supports weight loss. 

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The combination offers a range of essential nutrients while keeping the calorie count in check. 

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4. Black Tea and Lemon

Revitalize your weight loss efforts with the metabolism-boosting refreshment of black tea and lemon. 

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The caffeine in black tea, coupled with the vitamin C in lemon, creates a synergistic effect that supports fat burning. 

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