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Every 40-year-old Should Eat These Foods To Lose Weight Faster

By Robert J.Matthews

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All fresh berries like strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are packed with antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and water.

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They’re naturally sweet treats that aid fat burning.

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Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower contain compounds that may improve insulin sensitivity and boost weight loss.

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Sprinkling cinnamon on oats, yogurt or coffee has been shown to help regulate blood glucose levels and hunger hormones due to the effects of the antioxidant compounds.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

Having apple cider vinegar before meals may modestly enhance fat loss, likely due to acetic acid’s effect on improving insulin response.

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Despite being high in calories and fat, nuts may actually promote fat loss thanks to plant protein, fiber and metabolism-boosting nutrients like magnesium and iron. 

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Chia Seeds

A few tablespoons per day of this trendy seed provides anti-inflammatory omega-3s, protein and a huge punch of fiber shown to reduce visceral fat.

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Lean Beef

Grass fed beef is an excellent source of muscle-preserving protein, B vitamins and zinc to aid metabolism. 4-6 ounces a few times per week is plenty.

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Protein-rich Greek and regular yogurt provides calcium for metabolism and probiotics for better digestion and reduced belly swelling.

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Steel cut and old fashioned oats give lasting energy with soluble fiber to keep you full for hours after breakfast.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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