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Energy-Packed Snacks for Productivity

By Robert J.Matthews

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This gluten-free grain contains all essential amino acids making it a complete protein.

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Combine it with anti-inflammatory turmeric as the base for an energizing lunch bowl.

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Brown Rice

Compared to white rice, the whole grain brown version not only tastes better but offers the lasting fuel from fiber.

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Protein and healthy fats to prevent the post-meal blood sugar crash.

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Packed with plant protein and fiber, just an ounce of nuts can provide sustainable energy. 

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The healthy fats help regulate blood sugar response. Spread almond butter on apple slices for a perfect pick-me-up snack.

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Avocados offer the unique combo of fat, fiber and antioxidants for energy that sticks around. 

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The monounsaturated fats get used immediately by cells for fuel.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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