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Easy & Delicious: Clean Eating Recipes for Every Meal

By Robert J.Matthews

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Coconut Oil

With potent antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, coconut oil makes for the ultimate clean cooking oil. 

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The medium chain triglycerides get converted into instant energy.

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Bright yellow turmeric contains curcuminoids to reduce pain and inflammation associated with just about every chronic disease. 

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It shows immense therapeutic promise.

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This aromatic spice stabilizes blood glucose levels and slashes heart disease risk. 

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Used for thousands of years in ancient Chinese medicine, ginger eases nausea and vomiting while lowering inflammatory chemicals that can lead to chronic disease.

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Garlic boosts immunity, lowers blood pressure and reduces plaque buildup in arteries. 

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These tiny legumes supply sustained energy and take the place of meat as an environmentally friendly source of lean protein without artery-clogging saturated fat.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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