Off-white Section Separator

Easy Bourbon Eggnog Recipe

By Robert J.Matthews

Off-white Section Separator

3 large eggs 1/3 cup white sugar 1 pint heavy whipping cream 1 pint whole milk 1/4 cup bourbon 1/4 cup rum 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Pinch of ground nutmeg Cinnamon sticks for garnish (optional)


Off-white Section Separator

In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs and sugar together until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes.


Off-white Section Separator

Add the heavy cream, milk, bourbon, rum and vanilla. Whisk together until fully combined.


Off-white Section Separator

Transfer mixture to pitcher or punch bowl. Refrigerate, covered, at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.


Off-white Section Separator

Before serving, beat chilled mixture with electric mixer until frothy, about 2 minutes.


Off-white Section Separator

Pour eggnog into small glasses or punch cups. Garnish glasses with a dash of nutmeg and a cinnamon stick, if desired.


Off-white Section Separator

Serve chilled. Feel free to adjust bourbon and rum to taste for desired booziness.


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