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Ditch Processed, Embrace Real: Clean Eating Powerhouses

By Robert J.Matthews

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Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which eliminates free radicals that can damage cells. 

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 This helps reduce risk for heart disease and cancer.

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Providing protein, vitamins and minerals, eggs contain amino acids for building muscle, enzymes for digestion and choline for brain function.

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Wild caught salmon is filled with anti-inflammatory omega-3s to prevent chronic diseases and support brain health during aging.

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Greek Yogurt

Offering double the protein of traditional yogurt, Greek yogurt provides probiotics for immune and gut health.

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It helps the body extract maximum nutrition from food.

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Chicken Breast

This lean source of clean protein helps maintain and build muscle mass to propel fat burning.

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It’s also budget friendly and super easy to prepare.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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