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Clean Eating Essentials: Nourish Your Body with Whole Foods

By Robert J.Matthews

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Loaded with antioxidants, these tiny berries support the immune system and keep you looking and feeling your best.

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Apples of all varieties make the perfect clean eating snack.

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They help feed the good gut bacteria that boosts immunity and reduces inflammation.

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Part of the disease-fighting cruciferous family, broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse.

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It’s one of the best sources of sulforaphane linked to cancer prevention.

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This leafy green is rich in iron, folic acid, magnesium and vitamin K. 

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These nutrients support proper organ function and maintain glowing skin.

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Sweet Potatoes

Packed with vitamin A from beta-carotene, sweet potatoes aid vision and foster healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Green Leaf
Green Leaf

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