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Palm Tree

Best Mediterranean Diet Foods That Can Help Lower Your Stress Levels

By Robert J. Matthews

1. Walnuts

Bound to be full of B vitamins and potassium, nuts are great for lowering blood pressure and stress.

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Remember that this study only looked at a small group of people, so the results may not be true for people of all ages, countries, or races and ethnicities.

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2. Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the main foods in the Mediterranean diet.

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Overall, it backs up what other research has found: eating polyunsaturated fats, especially olive oil, may stop the stress hormone cortisol from being released.

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3. Fruits and Vegetables

Strawberrys, bell pepper, and leafy greens are just a few of the fruits and veggies that are high in magnesium and vitamin C, both of which help reduce inflammation. 

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This link was true for adults in their middle years, but not for people younger or older. 

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