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Best High-Protein Foods for Weight Loss

By Robert J.Matthews

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1. Chicken Champion 

Lean chicken is a heavyweight in the protein department. 

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Low in fat and rich in essential amino acids, it's the perfect foundation for muscle building and weight loss. 

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2. Greek Yogurt

Swap your regular yogurt for Greek yogurt. Packed with protein and probiotics, it not only supports weight loss but also promotes a healthy gut. 

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Top it with berries or a sprinkle of nuts for a delicious and satisfying treat.

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3. Eggcellent 

Eggs are a breakfast hero. Loaded with high-quality protein, they keep you full and help control your appetite throughout the day. 

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Scramble, poach, or make an omelet to kickstart your morning with a protein boost.

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4. Salmon Superfood

Salmon is not just delicious; it's a high-protein, omega-3-rich superfood. 

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Support muscle growth and fat loss while indulging in the savory goodness of this versatile fish. 

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5. Quinoa

Quinoa isn't just a trendy grain; it's a complete protein source. 

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Packed with amino acids, it supports muscle development and keeps you feeling full.

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