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All-Day Energy: Powerhouse Foods for Sustained Performance

By Robert J.Matthews

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Apples offer natural fruit sugars for an instant pick me up along with fiber that stabilizes blood sugar swings. 

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Bring one for a mid-morning snack to power through.

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 Oranges not only provide a hefty dose of immune boosting vitamin C, they’re one of the most convenient fresh fruits for on-the-go energy. 

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The natural sugars get absorbed quickly for instant fuel.

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A banana with peanut butter makes for an stellar energy combo. 

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Bananas offer easy-to-digest carbs while the peanut butter provides protein and healthy monounsaturated fats to sustain energy.

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Dried fruits

Raisins, cranberries, apricots - they may be small but dried fruits pack a huge energy punch ounce for ounce. 

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